“ TeacherX is an important platform to support teachers. One of the priorities of Goal 4 of Sustainable Development on the Agenda 2030 is to achieve inclusive and equitable quality education and to promote lifelong learning for all. There is no hope without education and supporting teachers. I have always believed that nothing can substitute a good teacher. ”
Irina Bokova UNESCO Eski Genel Direktörü

“ The education system, which was created to train laborers for factories after the transition from the agricultural revolution to the industrial revolution, has come to this day with only minor changes. For the complex world of tomorrow, it is long overdue to change the education system that has been in use for almost 200 years. I believe that TeacherX can be an important building block in raising awareness of the conditions of the future for teachers, who are the locomotives of the education system. ”
Faruk Eczacıbaşı President of the Informatics Foundation of Turkey

“ I believe that this teacher training platform, developed on the basis of R&D, will make a valuable contribution to the development of our teachers by supporting their interaction with each other.”
Prof. Dr. Şirin Karadeniz Former Rector of Bahçeşehir University

“ Supporting the development of our teachers has always been our priority. However, with the pandemic process, the smallest contribution that will make their lives easier has become even more valuable for our teachers, whose daily tempo has increased even more. In this sense, TeacherX's both tireless and dynamic training contents have been very eye-opening for all our administrators and teachers. ”
Tunç Ulu Erkan Ulu Schools Founding Teacher and Technology Director

“ One of our important goals should be to turn these days, when we structure education with a more flexible perspective with digital and blended learning, into a learning opportunity and contribute to the development of teachers. In line with this goal, TeacherX offers a learning environment independent of time and space with qualified content created by expert educators for all teachers who focus on lifelong learning. In a sense, I support this platform that sheds light on all of us to design the education of the future, and I congratulate all the educators who contributed. ”
Dilara Vardar Hisar Schools Information Strategies Headquarters Coordinator